Film911 – Ollie with Doctor Smith

Film911 – Ollie with Doctor Smith
Today marks the beginning of Ollie’s parents’ well-deserved vacation, a week-long second honeymoon on a serene island. As Ollie, a typical college student, awakens late after a strenuous morning run, he saunters through his kitchen in nothing but his underwear, sweat glistening on his toned body. His mind drifts to a much-needed shower, but he first pours himself a cup of coffee and absentmindedly scratches his balls. Little does he know, a masked figure wearing gloves is peering at him from the window behind.
Perhaps the ball scratching triggered a memory because Ollie chuckles and settles onto the couch with his coffee and phone. In a comfortable position, he starts to browse through his social media feed, eventually slipping his hand into his barely-there briefs to satisfy his morning arousal. Lost in his own world, Ollie fails to notice the masked intruder slipping through the patio door, which was slightly ajar to let the fresh breeze in. The intruder, later revealed as Dr. Smith, can barely contain his excitement as he observes Ollie playing with himself.
Suddenly, Ollie’s phone rings, and it’s his step-mom checking in on him. ‘Hey, everything okay over there?’ She asks. ‘Yeah, just taking it easy today. Might study later. Got some chapters to read for art history,’ Ollie responds, his focus quickly returning to his carnal urges. ‘Have a great time on your trip!’ He adds before hanging up and resuming his self-pleasure session.
With his victim right in front of him, completely unaware of the danger he’s in, Dr. Smith moves in slowly, holding a rag in his hand. This is what the doctor enjoys the most – his victims being oblivious to his charms and the authority he holds over them. Ollie, with his eyes closed and head thrown back in pleasure, is a sight to behold. And Dr. Smith, looming over him, is ready to unleash his power with the soaked rag in his hand.
In the last moments before his freedom is taken away, Ollie continues to pleasure himself, unaware of the danger lurking behind him. But as Dr. Smith prepares to make his move, it becomes clear that Ollie’s innocent and carefree attitude has put him in grave danger. The question now is – will he realize it before it’s too late?

General Format:MPEG-4
General Filesize:1.18 GB
General Duration:00:16:25

Download Film911 – Ollie with Doctor Smith.mp4 from (1.18 GB)

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