StraightMeninTrouble – Punk in a Hoodie

StraightMeninTrouble – Punk in a Hoodie
The young man’s heart pounded erratically in his chest as the masked man towered over him, a malicious glint in his eyes. He felt helpless, trapped in his own skin, as the man undid the knots that bound him, tearing his clothes in the process. A shiver of fear ran down his spine when the masked man roughly gripped his hips, pulling him closer.
“No!” he tried to shout through the gag, struggling uselessly against the iron grip. “Let me go!”
But the man only laughed, a chilling sound that sent shivers down the young man’s back. With one swift motion, he ripped the gag from his mouth, leaving him gasping for air. His eyes darted around the room, searching for any means of escape, but it was futile. He was trapped.
The masked man leaned in, his hot breath fanning across the young man’s face. He could feel the man’s rough hands trailing up and down his body, teasing and tormenting him. He tried to close his eyes, to block out the sensations, but it was no use. His skin tingled with a mixture of fear and revulsion as the man’s hands roamed freely over his body.
“You’re mine now,” the man hissed, his voice eerily calm. “You belong to me.”
He forced the young man to his knees, his hands gripping his hair painfully as he pushed his face into the man’s crotch. The young man tried to fight back, but his strength was useless against the man’s superhuman strength. Tears welled up in his eyes as he tasted the salty residue of the man’s arousal on his lips.
“Please,” he whimpered, “please stop.”
But the man only laughed again, a cruel sound that filled the room. With one swift movement, he yanked the young man’s head back, exposing his tender throat. The young man felt the cool metal of the man’s zipper against his skin before he felt something hard and cold press against his entrance.
“This is what you get for wandering into my territory,” the man growled, “my plaything.”
He thrust forward, forcing himself inside the young man’s body, and the young man screamed in agony, feeling like he was being torn apart. The man’s thrusts were brutal and unrelenting, each one sending waves of pain and shame coursing through the young man’s body. He felt like he was going to pass out from the pain and the humiliation, but there was no escape. The man had him trapped.
As the man continued to take what he wanted from the young man, his body became limp, his struggles weakening. He felt empty, used up, like there was nothing left of him. Tears streamed down his face, mixing with the sweat and blood that coated his body. The man’s thrusts grew faster, more frenzied, as if he could sense the young man’s surrender.
And then, with a final, violent thrust, the man let out a hoarse cry and collapsed on top of him. The young man felt the weight of the man’s body press down on him, trapping him, holding him captive. He closed his eyes, trying to block out the world, trying to forget the nightmare that had just become his reality.

General Format:MPEG-4
General Filesize:1.98 GB
General Duration:00:43:35

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