StraightMenInTrouble – The Club Restroom – Part 1

StraightMenInTrouble – The Club Restroom – Part 1
The downstairs room of the club was shrouded in darkness, closed for the night as the clock struck well past midnight. The loud music blaring from the dance floor upstairs had now ceased, leaving behind an eerie silence. However, in the midst of this quiet atmosphere, one unsuspecting patron still lingered. Lost in thought, he wandered down and into the restroom, unaware of the danger lurking in the shadows.
Little did he know, the club had recently hired a drifter for some cheap labor. Desperate for cash, the drifter had gladly accepted the job, but had other devious intentions in mind. He had donned a mask, concealing his identity, and was now taking advantage of the solitude that this section of the club provided.
As the unsuspecting patron stood in front of the mirror, fixing his hair, he was suddenly ambushed from behind. The drifter pounced on him, his strong arms tightly binding the patron’s body. Fear and confusion flooded the patron’s mind as he struggled against his attacker, only to realize that he was no match for the drifter’s strength.
The drifter dragged the patron to the corner of the restroom, away from any possible interruptions. With a wicked grin on his face, he slowly began to cut away the patron’s clothes, revealing his tight, toned body inch by inch. The patron could only watch in horror as the drifter’s blade sliced through his shirt and pants, leaving him exposed and vulnerable.
In a cruel and twisted manner, the drifter relished in the power he held over the helpless patron. He caressed each newly exposed inch of skin, reveling in the patron’s growing fear and helplessness. As the last piece of clothing fell to the ground, the drifter stood back to admire his handiwork.
But just as he was about to make his next move, the restroom door suddenly burst open. The loud voices and laughter of the cleaning crew jolted the drifter back to reality, reminding him of the risk he was taking. In a panic, he abandoned his plans and quickly made his escape, leaving the patron in a state of shock and disbelief.
The incident was reported to the club management the following day, but the drifter was long gone. From that day on, the downstairs room of the club remained closed, serving as a grim reminder of the danger that could lurk in the most unsuspecting places. The patron, although traumatized, was grateful for his lucky escape, vowing to never wander off into the unknown again.

General Format:MPEG-4
General Filesize:606 MB
General Duration:00:12:00

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