SpankingStraightBoys – Darren’s Fucking Spanking

SpankingStraightBoys – Darren’s Fucking Spanking
Darren’s body was a masterpiece, chiseled to perfection. His toned muscles rippled beneath his sweat-glistening skin as he thrust into the sex toy, his hips undulating with each powerful stroke. The air was thick with anticipation and desire, the sound of flesh slapping against flesh filling the room. Tom, watching from the sidelines, could feel his own cock throb in his pants, wanting nothing more than to be released and buried deep inside Darren.
But first, he needed to keep Darren in line. His hand came down hard on Darren’s ass, leaving a burning red mark. Darren cried out, his body tensing as the pain shot through him. He gripped the sex toy tighter, determined not to let Tom’s punishment affect his performance. He looked over at Tom, his blue eyes burning with a mixture of pain and arousal, and gave him a defiant grin.
Tom smirked back, his own desire growing stronger. He spanked Darren again, this time harder, making the muscles in his ass jump. Darren’s breath hitched, but he didn’t let up on the sex toy. His cock was straining against the fabric of his shorts, desperate for release. Tom watched as a bead of sweat rolled down Darren’s chest, tracing a path towards his navel. He couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like to lick it off.
But first, he needed to see if Darren could last. Tom spanked him again, harder still, making the sound of flesh connecting echo through the room. Darren’s back arched, his head thrown back, his eyes squeezed shut as he fought through the pain. He gripped the sex toy so tightly, Tom could see the muscles in his forearm bulging.
Time seemed to slow down as they played out this erotic dance. Darren’s movements grew more desperate, his breath coming in ragged gasps. Tom could feel himself close to the edge, the pressure building in his groin. He spanked Darren one more time, harder than anything before, just to make sure he stayed in line.
As the two minutes were up, Darren finally collapsed, panting heavily. His cock twitched, releasing a long stream of hot cum onto the bed. Tom walked over to him, his hand still stinging from the spanking. He ran his fingers through Darren’s sweat-dampened hair, pulling him closer for a deep, passionate kiss.
As they kissed, Tom could taste the combination of sweat and cum on Darren’s lips. It was the most delicious thing he’d ever tasted, and it only made him want more. “Good boy,” he whispered into Darren’s ear, “now you can cum all you want.” And with that, he lay down beside Darren, his own hard cock pressing against Darren’s ass, eager to be let inside.

General Format:MPEG-4
General Filesize:629 MB
General Duration:00:11:02

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