JJ Is Punished For Wetting His Pants – Very Good Spanking Videos

JJ Is Punished For Wetting His Pants – Very Good Spanking Videos
Mikey chuckled as he watched his friend, JJ, squirm in embarrassment. JJ had wet his pants yet again, and Mikey couldn’t resist teasing him about it. But their playful banter quickly turned into a serious situation when their teacher caught wind of JJ’s accident.
His face turning red with shame, JJ was reprimanded in front of the entire class. But that was just the beginning of his punishment. As soon as they were dismissed from class, Mikey and JJ were summoned to the principal’s office.
Not wanting to leave his friend alone to face the consequences, Mikey accompanied JJ as they sheepishly made their way to the office. The stern principal sat them down and gave them a lecture about responsibility and proper hygiene. JJ, who was still struggling with the embarrassment of wetting his pants, could barely pay attention.
But when the principal announced that JJ would be receiving a thorough punishment for his actions, both boys snapped to attention. Mikey felt a twinge of guilt for his earlier teasing, but he knew there was no talking their way out of this one.
The principal then directed them to a private room where they were met by the school nurse. JJ’s face turned even brighter as the nurse revealed that she would be shaving his pubes and bottom as part of his punishment. Mikey couldn’t help but snicker at JJ’s misfortune.
But the worst was yet to come. After a humiliating shave, JJ was bent over the nurse’s knee for a thorough spanking. Mikey cringed as he heard the sound of the nurse’s hand connecting with JJ’s bare bottom. JJ, on the other hand, let out a cry of pain and embarrassment.
As the punishment came to an end, JJ’s bottom was red and sore, and he was required to wear a diaper for the rest of the day as a reminder of his accident. Mikey, feeling guilty for his role in JJ’s punishment, apologized and agreed to help his friend clean up.
From then on, JJ never forgot to use the bathroom when needed, and Mikey never teased him again. It was a lesson learned for both of them, and they became even closer friends as a result. But JJ, for one, would never forget the humiliation and thorough punishment he received for wetting his pants.

General Format:MPEG-4
General Filesize:692 MB
General Duration:00:11:47

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