Gut Punched by Boxer
I was once used as a human punching bag, enduring punches, elbows, and kicks from an amateur boxer. The physical and emotional toll this took on me can hardly be put into words.
It all began when I innocently walked into a local boxing gym, looking for a new workout routine. Little did I know that my encounter with one specific boxer would turn into a nightmare.
Initially, we started off as training partners, with the boxer, let’s call him Jack, helping me hone my skills as a beginner. But as time passed, Jack’s approach towards me changed drastically. He became more aggressive with his punches and would often use his elbows and kicks during our sparring sessions.
At first, I thought it was just a mistake or perhaps an accident. But as it continued to happen, I realized that Jack was intentionally using me as his punching bag. Despite my protests, he would continuously attack me, leaving me bruised and battered.
What was even more frustrating was the fact that the gym owner and other trainers turned a blind eye to Jack’s behavior. Some even encouraged him, seeing him as a rising star in the world of amateur boxing. I felt helpless and alone in a place where I was supposed to feel safe and supported.
But I refused to back down. I refused to let Jack or anyone else intimidate me and make me give up my passion for boxing. So, I mustered up the courage to confront Jack and put an end to his abusive behavior. It was not easy, but eventually, he stopped using me as a punching bag.
Looking back, I am thankful for this experience as it taught me the value of standing up for myself and not accepting mistreatment from anyone. It also made me more resilient and determined to pursue my boxing career.
In conclusion, being an amateur boxer’s punching bag was a difficult and unpleasant experience, but it also made me stronger and more determined. I will always remember this experience as a reminder of the importance of standing up for oneself and not tolerating any form of abuse.

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General Filesize:142 MB
General Duration:00:09:58

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