Film911 – Tyler’s Attitude Check

Film911 – Tyler’s Attitude Check
Tyler, still under the spell of Dr. Smith’s command, stands rigidly in the office, his body tense and his muscles ready to obey. His face is pale and devoid of emotion, his eyes glassy and unfocused. The chain around his neck sways gently with each breath he takes.
Dr. Smith finishes his phone call and turns his attention back to Tyler. “I’m going to ask you some questions, and I want you to answer honestly. Do you understand?” he says, his voice steady and commanding.
Tyler nods slowly, his tongue still hanging out of the corner of his mouth. “Yes, Master,” he whispers hoarsely.
Dr. Smith smirks. “Good. Now, how do you feel about Miles? Be honest.”
Tyler swallows hard, struggling to form coherent thoughts. “I… I don’t like him. He’s needy and annoying. He’s always calling me, texting me… I wish he’d just leave me alone.” His voice is barely audible, but Dr. Smith hears every word.
Dr. Smith leans in closer, studying Tyler’s face. “And what about me? How do you feel about me?”
Tyler’s Adam’s apple bobs up and down as he swallows again. “You’re different. You’re… strong. I… I want to be like you.” His voice trails off, but the admiration and awe in his tone are unmistakable.
Dr. Smith nods, satisfied with the response. “Very well. From now on, when Miles calls or texts you, you will ignore him. And if he comes to your house, you will tell him to leave. Do you understand?”
Tyler’s expression slackens further, his body completely under Dr. Smith’s control. “Yes, Master,” he whispers, his voice barely above a whisper. “I will ignore him and tell him to leave.”

General Format:MPEG-4
General Filesize:1.29 GB
General Duration:00:17:50

Download Film911 – Tyler’s Attitude Check.mp4 from (1.29 GB)

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