Film911 – Brody’s Birthday Party

Film911 – Brody’s Birthday Party
Dr. Smith’s eyes danced with excitement as he surveyed the crowd at Brody’s birthday party. Spotting the perfect volunteer, he beckoned the birthday boy onto the stage. “Come on up here, Brody!” he urged, his voice booming over the chatter of the guests. Brody, flush with the thrill of being the center of attention, eagerly made his way to the stage.
“And who’s this handsome fellow?” Dr. Smith asked, noticing another volunteer had joined them. It was Cole, accompanied by his husband, Dan. Cole grinned shyly and stuck out his hand. “I’m Cole. I haven’t met you before, but it’s nice to meet you, Brody.” Brody returned the greeting, feeling a spark of connection with this mysterious stranger.
Dr. Smith clapped his hands together, his enthusiasm infectious. “Great! Let’s get started,” he announced, motioning for them to take their places. He picked up a pendulum and began swinging it in front of Brody’s face, his movements fluid and hypnotic. “You’re feeling very relaxed,” he murmured. “Very sleepy…” With a snap of his fingers, Brody’s eyes fluttered shut, his features slackening into a dreamy expression.
Next, Dr. Smith turned his attention to Cole. He repeated the process, swinging the pendulum and uttering his hypnotic commands. Cole, who had watched Dr. Smith work his magic on Brody, felt a strange sensation wash over him as well. His eyes grew heavy and his thoughts began to drift.
“Now, both of you,” Dr. Smith said, “when I count to three, you’re going to open your eyes and believe that the hypnosis didn’t work. You’ll return to your seats, completely unaware of the commands I’ve given you.” He paused dramatically. “One… two… three…”
With a yawn, Brody stretched and rubbed his eyes. “That was some trick, doc,” he murmured, turning to Cole. “I’m Brody, by the way.” Cole, still feeling groggy, returned the introduction. “I’m Cole. It’s nice to meet you, Brody.”

General Format:MPEG-4
General Filesize:1.43 GB
General Duration:00:19:57

Download Film911 – Brody’s Birthday Party.mp4 from (1.43 GB)

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