BrutalTops – Session 708 – Master Dave and Master Cal

BrutalTops – Session 708 – Master Dave and Master Cal
As we spend long hours training at the gym and participating in sports every day, our bodies have become naturally strong and toned. It’s quite amusing to see this weak and naked creature struggling to perform even the simplest exercise. With our superior physiques, we tower over this pathetic being and direct it on how to work out. We can’t help but laugh at its trembling limbs and how easily it sinks into the floor like the worthless dirt it is.
Our methods of motivation may be a bit unconventional, but they get the job done. We administer hard smacks and vicious beltings to its weak arse whenever it fails to comply with our instructions. We don’t tolerate laziness in our presence. This lazy cunt wouldn’t last a day if it were conscripted into the army.
To really push this creature to its limits, we make it work out with a big dildo rammed into its mouth. The sight of it gagging and covered in a thick layer of sweat while trying to lift itself up is absolutely hilarious. We don’t care if this thicko destroys itself in the process of exercising. After all, this pathetic bastard isn’t good for anything other than being our tackle practice.
Despite its struggles and our constant ridicule, we continue to push this creature to its physical limits. It’s almost like a sick game for us, watching it suffer and strain under our commands. But it’s also a reminder of our own strength and superiority. We are the ones in control, and this creature is nothing but a mere plaything for us to manipulate and dominate.
But deep down, we know that this weakling will never be able to match our strength and endurance. It will always be at our mercy, constantly striving to please us and meet our expectations. And as long as it continues to entertain us, we’ll continue to use it for our own amusement.
In the end, it’s just another day in the gym for us, filled with laughter and domination. And this weakling will forever be a reminder of our own physical prowess and superiority.

General Format:MPEG-4
General Filesize:182 MB
General Duration:00:11:41

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