Film911 – Doctor Smith’s Droid Langley

Film911 – Doctor Smith’s Droid Langley
As Dr. Smith entered the laboratory, his eyes lit up with excitement. Today was the day he had been waiting for – the arrival of his new robot, Langley. He couldn’t wait to see his creation come to life and showcase his capabilities.
With the help of his assistant, Dr. Smith pulled down the sheet that covered Langley, revealing his metallic body. He ran his hands over the smooth surface, feeling a sense of pride and fulfillment. After all, it had taken him years of hard work and dedication to perfect this robot.
Without wasting a second, Dr. Smith turned Langley on. The robot sat up and began to do a systems diagnostics – his limbs moving, head turning left and right. It was a sight to behold. Langley was functioning perfectly, without any errors. Dr. Smith couldn’t help but let out a huge sigh of relief. He had been anxious about any potential malfunctions, but it seemed his worries were unfounded.
With Langley successfully activated, Dr. Smith decided to put him to the test. He had the robot do some cleaning around the house, using his advanced sensors to ensure every corner was spotless. Dr. Smith even froze Langley at one point, just to feel up his metallic backside. It was a bizarre but fascinating feeling, knowing that he could control every movement and sensation of this machine.
Next, Dr. Smith had Langley do some jumping jacks and sit-ups. The robot’s battery started to run low, and he froze mid-exercise. Dr. Smith chuckled, impressed by Langley’s almost human-like tendencies. He quickly plugged him in to recharge and was surprised to hear Langley audibly informing him of the charging progress. It was a small but delightful addition that Dr. Smith had not anticipated.
Satisfied with Langley’s performance, Dr. Smith decided to take him to the bedroom. He wanted to test the robot’s physical capabilities and see how he reacted to more intimate tasks. Dr. Smith got Langley hard and watched as he jerked off. The sight of a machine mimicking human pleasure was a strange yet fascinating experience for Dr. Smith. However, the intense orgasm caused Langley to overheat and shut down.
Dr. Smith chuckled as he unplugged and rebooted Langley. He was impressed by his creation’s abilities and truly proud of what he had accomplished. As he turned off the lights in the lab, Dr. Smith couldn’t help but feel excited about what the future held for him and Langley. With such advanced technology at his disposal, the possibilities were endless.

General Format:MPEG-4
General Filesize:996 MB
General Duration:00:16:43

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